Florida was the 36th state to legalize LGBTQ marriage – and thus, LGBTQ divorce. Because divorcing LGBTQ couples are treated the same by law as divorcing heterosexual couples, the issues they face with an impending divorce are largely the same:
- property division
- alimony
- child support
- parenting plans or time sharing
The extension of civil marriage, union, and domestic partnership rights to LGBTQ couples in various jurisdictions can raise legal issues upon dissolution of these unions that are not experienced by opposite-sex couples – especially if the law of their residence or nationality does not have LGBTQ marriage or partnerships.
Our Board Certified attorneys have over 45 years of combined experience. West Family Law Group is the 2018 Best Law Firm in Central Florida, Marital and Family Law, as rated by Best Lawyers. We can help you with your case.