When couples with substantial assets divorce, the process does not need to be painfully contentious, but it will be complex and require careful handling. It is important for both partners and their attorneys to be prepared.

At West Family Law Group, we have decades of experience litigating complicated high-net-worth cases, but we firmly believe in taking a cooperative approach whenever possible. We have quietly and successfully represented high profile clients, such as entertainers, professional athletes, public figures, and Fortune 500 executives. We understand how to anticipate and manage the complexities and strive to protect your interests while minimizing unnecessary conflict.

Factors that Complicate Divorce

Every divorce involves unique challenges, and we look at each situation with fresh eyes so that we can spot potential problems and develop the best solutions for our clients’ needs and goals. We have to give careful consideration to many issues when a case involves factors such as:

  • Valuation of Professional partnerships or closely-held business interests
  • Intangible property
  • Real estate or collections requiring specialized valuation
  • Assets in other states or countries
  • Unusual exposure to risk or substantial alimony
  • Complex debts or tax implications
  • Stock options, RSU’s, and other highly compensated executive income
  • Financial holdings that require forensic review
  • Generation Skipping Trusts
  • Cryptocurrency

Many couples find themselves facing more than one of these challenges, particularly when one or both worked in a family business. The complex financial issues are usually closely tied to emotional issues as well. It is important to keep all relevant factors in mind to avoid triggering combative or unresponsive behavior in the other spouse.

Taking a Team Approach

When dealing with so many potential complications, we find it helpful to take a team approach to gain the benefit of different perspectives and areas of expertise. For instance, we frequently work with forensic accountants to help locate hidden assets and track the trail of separate assets that may have become commingled with marital assets over time. We also find it essential to work with knowledgeable business valuation experts who can help with valuing challenging assets such as goodwill and intellectual property.

Of course, when working in these situations, we also respect our clients’ need for privacy. We use strategies to collect critical information without overly-invasive discovery practices, which also helps reduce the potential for conflict.

Realistic Goals

While we strive to achieve our clients’ objectives, we also educate them so they gain a realistic expectation of the legal outcomes. We help clients establish their priorities so we can negotiate to help them gain what matters most to them while using less important features as a bargaining chip.

When a high asset complex divorce involves minor children, custody and support issues also take on added intricacy. We want to enable both spouses to emerge from the process with their parenting relationships intact and a workable plan for the future in place.

Gain the Benefit of Our Experience Handling Complex High-Net-Worth Divorces

The divorce process can be harrowing, particularly when you realize the consequences affect you for the rest of your life. Working with an experienced legal advisor can keep the process manageable and put you in the best position to move forward after the divorce. We have experienced board-certified lawyers with proven track records.

West Family Law Group knows what to expect in a complex divorce and how to guide you through so you are prepared for a bright future. For a confidential consultation to explore the ways we could assist in your situation, contact us now.

Our Strategy: Divorce Accuracy Assessment

We listen to you to determine what is important to you. We counsel you honestly on whether your goals are achievable and appropriate. Then, we can help you develop a strategic path.

We have the knowledge and experience to guide you. We also have the resolve to tell you when your goals are unrealistic. We would rather be brutally honest at the beginning than disappoint you at the end. Questions we help you address include:

Is it achievable?

Analysis of the law governing a goal:

  • Is the relief sought even available?
  • Is it likely to happen if a court is making the decision?

Is it appropriate?

  • How will your actions impact your children?
  • Parents must work together to raise happy and healthy children. If actions taken during the divorce poison the parenting relationship, the children will suffer.
  • Are the financial benefits you are seeking disproportionate to the cost of achieving the benefit?
  • Are there alternatives to achieving the ultimate goal which should be considered?

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